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Internet Resources

The Kansas Ornithological Society (KOS)

The Friends of Quivira - a support/docent group for our adopted refuge, Quivira NWR

Kansas Rare Bird Photo Gallery -  by Dave Rintoul

Christmas Bird Census  - A History

Konza Prairie  - Educational program

Audubon of Kansas

Cornell Lab ebird  - Join the world's largest birding community. Every sighting matters. Contribute yours.

Birding Guide - Getting started

Action Alert Center -   National Audubon Society - Conservation and Wildlife  Issues on National Level.

MAPS -   Monitoring Avian Productivity and survivorship program, coordinated by Institute for Bird Populations. Involves mist-netting and banding birds at nearby Ft. Riley, KS.

Audubon Action Center- Lawmakers care about your views and opinions

Project Feeder Watch - Citizen Science from Cornell University

Bird of the Week - a new feature from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Other Issues of Interest

International Crane Foundation - The International Crane Foundation works worldwide to conserve cranes and the ecosystems, watersheds & flyways on which they depend.

Cats Indoors - An initiative from the American Bird Conservancy, designed to help stop the killing of BILLIONS of North American birds by outdoor cats every year.